How to keep quarrels away from your relationship


For as the fights are clearly a problem in relationships these days, we have to learn to overcome them and get over them without too much affect the relationship. Most of the times, we lose people with whom we could build a beautiful life because of some reasons that don't happen to be indeed very important. I'm of the opinion that, in all relationships, arguments are a normal and unavoidable most of the times, but you don't have to turn into real scandals because we need to show that we are mature people and as I am way past the period of childhood in which "we take our toys and go home" as soon as someone upsets us in a way or another.

A to tick a few solutions to get over arguments and continue with the relationship on her way to normal:

1. Communicate as much as possible

This is more a prevention than a solution to that, don't you?, every time it is better to prevent than to find solutions to a problem already occurred in our life.

2. Keep the tone as friendly

Even if you just want to yell, to throw or to have a nervous reaction, you need to learn to control yourself and be calm. If you can't, try to retire from the face of the problem for a few moments until you recover and then you can come back and discuss it calmly with your partner of life. Most of the times, the tone much more than the quarrel and turn it into a scandal.

3. Solve every problem in your relationship couple

Most often, couples today tend to get over a fight and behave as if nothing would be intamplar. This is the wrong one because even you get back together between you, the problem occur on another occasion.

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